AmongUs Cosplay

Yup, I've been hibernating for a while, doing some healing, but my girl's birthday is coming up so it is time to get out of my cave and do some sewing!
Because costumes are not 
just for Halloween, right?

Birthday parties, festivals, recitals... Are all great excuses for mama to play and create! 😁

For her 10th birthday (10 already!!! 😮) she wants an "Among Us" virtual party to play her favorite game with friends close and away. So I'm sewing some

Got Thanksgiving Baby Outfit?


Getting ready for our Thanksgiving celebrations I made this turkey costume for the littlest one of our extended family.

I used a soft and cozy fleece as the main fabric for the body that is really simple to make, then used scraps of colorful fabrics to give this character a fun personality.

First Costume Most Frequent Mistakes and How to Avoid Them


Are you making one of the most common mistakes I hear from mamas sewing their first costume? 

Let’s see what they are and how to avoid them:

Mistake #1: race to complete a project in one sit.

The Best Fabric for Your Baby Costume


What do you do when you can’t find the perfect fabric for your baby costume?

You make it of course!

Although furry, shiny, and sparkly fabrics are very tempting, synthetic materials may itch or scratch baby’s skin, and they won’t want to stay in them. And you don’t want the baby to get freaked out over wearing something so unusual and irritating, right? If you are going to put the work to create an amazing costume, you want baby to be happy in it, to enjoy, to have fun, and to take beautiful pictures, smiling!

Why Sewing Your Baby's Costume

Many moms ask me, if you can buy a baby or toddler costume at target, or anywhere… why taking the time to sew one?

Because when you make the costume, you make your unique vision come to life for your unique kid.

That unusual character your little one loves!

Since very little my girl liked characters merchandisers seem to have labeled as “boys only”. She got some pieces anyway but for an special occasion I didn’t want to just plop her in

Did you know that sewing makes you happier?


A survey published in the British Journal of Occupational Therapy in which they surveyed 3500 knitters (which gives very similar therapeutic effects as sewing), reveals that 81 percent of them reported feeling happy, and over half reported feeling very happy after knitting. This is likely because when you do something pleasurable like knitting (and sewing) it causes your brain to release a chemical called dopamine that boost mood and promote general wellbeing in many ways.

So next time you think “how can I possibly spend time sewing? I am too anxious/stressed-out/ fill-in-the-blank…” remember:

Pascal: The Chameleon Inspired Baby Costume That Changed My Life


Part 1:  The Dare

“I can’t find it anywhere!” complained my sister-in-law. She wanted a very particular character to fit the family theme for next Halloween. I couldn’t pass up the challenge, so I offered to make it even though I wasn’t familiar with chameleon Pascal, Rapunzel’s sidekick from the new Disney movie. I found pictures and video clips for inspiration, then made the patterns and a couple mockups. Next, I just needed a “quick” trip to the store for fabric, that’s the easy part… wrong! I couldn’t find any baby friendly materials in the colors/patterns I wanted arghhh.

Well, when life gives you lemons: you get creative, right? I got a couple XL green cotton t-shirts and fabric paint and created my own chameleon skin print, there!

At that point I had been sewing professionally for many years but for the first time in a long time...